
The Integrated Development Society (IDeS) is a non-profit organization that works to improve the socio-economic conditions of marginalized communities in Dadeldhura district, Nepal. IDeS was registered under the Institution Registration Act in 2003 (2060BS) and is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council. The organization implements various programs to raise awareness and generate sustainable income for Dalit, Indigenous, women, children, and other disadvantaged groups in the district. IDeS has a strong reputation for working with communities in a participatory and transparent way, with clear mission, vision, goals, values, and objectives that are aligned with local needs and context.

सहयोग गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ?

तपाईंको सानो सहयोगले IDeS लाई अझै ठुलो हौसला मिल्नेछ

हाम्रो सदस्यहरु & स्वयंसेवकहरु

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